
'More undemocratic than ever'

After Irish voters rejected the Lisbon Treaty in a referendum - effectively killing off plans for a European superstate - the Prime Minister defiantly pledged to continue ratification.
Britain's Europe Minister Jim Murphy yesterday caused irritation in Dublin by saying it was Ireland's responsibility to solve the impasse caused by the 53.4 per cent No vote. 'The Irish government need to tell us how they think we should be taking this forward,' he said.

William Hague, the Shadow Foreign Secretary, said if leaders failed to heed the Irish result it would show that the EU was 'more undemocratic than ever'. In dailymail.co.uk, 2:17 AM on 15th June


O Figaro ( jornal francês de prestígio) de hoje, Domingo, faz notar que uma sondagem aos seus eleitores franceses, a maioria (57.82) são a favor do Referendo do Tratado de Lisboa em França, enquanto 42,18% são contra o Referendo. A amostra baseou-se em 21.649 votantes. Resulta que os franceses não vão ficar quietos... Helder Verissimo, Porto, 15.06.2008, 17h44, Nos comentários do publico.pt